We are Movement for Justice in El Barrio, an organization of Mexican immigrants, who fight for human dignity and against neoliberal displacement in East Harlem, New York, and fight for the liberation of women Indigenous peoples, lesbians, homosexuals, l @ l @ s s transgender immigrants. We the @ s as migrants are to the mother ... as are all down in our beloved Mexico.
Our grief and our anger is solidarity with all the people that the war because of bad government- deceptively disguised as "war on drugs" - has lost their sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mothers parents, relatives and friends.
As migrants we also target @ s wars are bad government and we are being attacked from all sides. First, by the capitalist system and the political class of Mexico that is bad government through political parties PAN, PRD and PRI. They have waged war against our Mexico. That is the reason why we emigrated, like other Mexican migrants who are on the other side. It's a war on the poor caused by corporations and their political vassals.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because the bad governments, on both sides of the border are planned along with multinational destruction of our people and our lands, changing laws that increasingly allow exploitation and the enslavement of mankind.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are up maternal unemployment and work of slavery that we are forced to leave our beloved people of Mexico.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because of bad government war is killing our culture want to destroy us in all respects as a community and as human beings.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because our home country leaves us no choice but to risk our lives a thousand times and leave everything behind to come to this country where we are now, the United States, which plunders our natural resources and thus enjoy a standard of living vastly higher than that of our country.
We the @ s as migrants are to the mother because this is so because of our corrupt governments that are subjects of business.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because the bad government of Mexico makes fun of us s while because he and his accomplices officials, we are forced to say goodbye with tears in our families, our community and our beloved Mexico, where the above we get evicted.
Nosotr @ s as migrants to the mother because we are having now on the other hand, we have become cheap labor that benefits the rich patterns and, similarly, the services of the State, that benefit of the brutal exploitation of our community.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because the political and economic system is degrading to us as human beings.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because, in exchange for our work, we only impose new anti-immigrant and racist and bloody walls at our borders, walls in Evros River, floating detention centers on European army the Aegean, assault battalions in the cities and mass deportations.
Nosotr @ s as migrants to the mother because we see how politicians have been degraded, exploited, robbed, looted and killed our countrymen in Mexico and our comrades s migrants.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because the transnational corporations with the help of bad government, through its war, are destroying the land and natural resources that belong to the native peoples of our Mexico.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because as women, lesbians, transgenders, homosexuals, indigenous peoples, humiliate us, discriminated, marginalized and oppressed.
Movement for Justice in El Barrio responsible directly to the bad government of Mexico and the world capitalist system of war that we maintained in the conditions we face as migrants who seeks the destruction of families, children, @ s, women, men, elders & Teens l @ s that are actually supporting the economy in large cities in which benefit transnational corporations and bad governments in power in both sides of the border.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because, like the rest of the people of Mexico, from below, the war of the above uses the control of public opinion, mass media controlled by the government that they conceal the operation in all respects and to conceal the true information always looking after the interests of corrupt governments.
Nosotr @ s as migrants to the mother because we know that the person responsible and the cause of the exploitation of human beings as cheap labor is the political and economic system we want to destroy their war against our people .
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because the war is worsening misrule us as human beings, is killing our culture, wants to enslave his way, wants to destroy us in all respects as a community and as human beings.
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because the capitalist system move your money from one country to another and from one continent to another for money because there are no walls or borders or immigration laws. For the money there is freedom. For us, pure persecution and exploitation.
Nosotr @ s as migrants to the dam are up because they want to convince workers that we represent a threat to them, that's us @ sl @ s guilty of the oppression to which they submit their own governments .
Nosotr @ s as migrants are to the mother because they implement all of this to deny us the right to a dignified life of a human being with rights that we demand they do not want.
Nosotr @ s as migrants to the mother because we were displaced and evicted from our beloved Mexico and here again we are facing and fighting against the displacement from our homes and our community, or whether they are being displaced twice, and that is why the fight is not stop: is strengthened with our sisters and brothers of the Other Campaign.
Nosotr @ s as Mexican immigrants are part of the Other Campaign, the Mexican national movement that seeks to unify all the struggles of the bottom left, which was initiated by our herman @ s Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico. This movement changes the way politics are done on the basis of the community. We get those thieving politicians, corrupt and dirty in our Mexico, and that what they are doing is leaving our country in ruins and loot. But as they say our herman @ s Zapatistas, "" no world for us, we will build a world where many worlds fit respecting our differences "We the
@ s as migrants are to the mother because when the people, l @ s from below, is attached to and struggle against the capitalist system and the political class, the top try to crush our struggle through the repression of organized and self-employed people as do the members of the @ s Other Campaign as our @ s Zapatistas dear brothers and sisters and San Sebastian Bachajon.
Nosotr @ s are up to the mother because instead of housing, land, work, food, health, education, independence, democracy, freedom and peace is unnecessary brutality, violence, dispossession, poverty, famine and repression. Instead of life, no death.
All this is now the evil government, with the help of the capitalist media, which masquerade as' war on drugs. "
Nosotr @ s as migrants to the mother because we know that the drugs covered by the state needs economic and social inequality in order to survive, and that it is this inequality that has expelled from our country. So the government makes the connection more subtle in their war against the people.
For all this, the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, New York The Other Campaign in addition to actions that will take place from 5 to 8 May in Mexico and the world against violence perpetrated by the state.
Our demonstration will be at the Mexican Consulate in New York on Friday, May 6.
appoint Answering the call of innocent victims, we appointed a decent family who died crossing the border: Rosa Guzman
This is the word of the simple and humble migrant community of El Barrio, New York.
Movement for Justice in El Barrio
the Other Campaign New York
ARE TO THE MOTHER OF VIOLENCE BY THE STATE, ITS CORRUPT MILITARY, ITS paramilitaries and their armed drug traffickers!
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