When an organization needs to hire a company to undertake the development of information systems usually signs a contract which essentially describes the rights and duties of both parties.
share in this post some policies that I used in contracts to ensure proper management of software projects by the addition of some agile practices. The benefits are immeasurable!
then describe the domain sections or areas that could be used to modify the contracts.
share in this post some policies that I used in contracts to ensure proper management of software projects by the addition of some agile practices. The benefits are immeasurable!
then describe the domain sections or areas that could be used to modify the contracts.
implementation approach - The project will be implemented on an iterative and incremental approach.
About Home and Contract Act
- THE ORGANIZATION MADE WITH THE CONTRACTOR kickoff meetings to establish the premises required to sign the contract and the minutes of the start of the project.
Home - THE ORGANIZATION MADE WITH THE CONTRACTOR kickoff meetings to establish the general premises of the project, which will be described in a report of Home.
- The size of each iteration, will be agreed between both parties and will depend on the time of the contract and the extent expected.
- The roles and responsibilities required for project implementation shall be agreed between both parties, recorded in the minutes of the start of the project.
- Communication policies required for project implementation shall be agreed between both parties, recorded in the minutes of the start of the project.
Requirements Deliverables or
- THE ORGANIZATION MADE WITH THE CONTRACTOR kickoff meetings to establish the deliverables or requirements that the plan will be developed in an iterative and incremental project.
- deliverables or requirements for each iteration, will mutually agreed and will depend on their prioritization and value for the Organization.
- deliverables or requirements will be prioritized based on an agreement between the parties, so that in the first iteration will yield the most important objectives of the project.
- The work plan will consist of deliverables for each iteration, recorded in the minutes of the start of the project.
- establish the conditions of employment, using the agreements and commitments recorded in the minutes of initiation.
Control and Monitoring Project
- control activities and monitoring of the project will build on the deliverables completed in each iteration and the demonstration to be performed by CONTRACTOR. Requirement shall be construed as complete, if it includes all deliverables related to the previous iterations.
- The project will run in iterations, with a product demonstration at the end of each iteration.
- In each iteration, generate a certificate of acceptance of the deliverables and demonstration.
- In each iteration, generate a progress report to the Manager of the area, where you must record the percentage of completion for each requirement and the rate of completed requirements. The Organization shall
- inspection functions of the service, who may be assisted by internal or external, as they deem, in its sole discretion. THE CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the organization or the person they have designated, all information as may be necessary or advisable to check, inspect and supervise the execution of this contract, in general, Contractor shall provide the personnel responsible for inspection service the widest possible cooperation for the purpose of facilitating the proper performance within time, quality and other terms agreed.
Quality Control
- All deliverables agreed between both parties, will undergo a quality cycle defined in the "Quality Assurance Plan" and will not be accepted as products of the project, reaching a acceptable level.
- Each iteration should produce production-quality software, tested, integrated, and documented.
- The project should incorporate practices "Managed by Development Tests." Each of the deliverables should contain unit test scripts, comprehensive, functional, among others.
- ORGANIZATION In case I'll find some impact on product demonstrations performed at each iteration by the contractor, the organization shall report its observations to the Contractor to proceed to make your correction.
Exchange Controls
- can only request changes to the requirements and priorities the product owner and they will be properly analyzed to determine whether not impact the project scope. ORGANIZATION
- may request changes to deliverables during the demonstration conducted by the CONTRACTOR, to identify any functional correctness, technical, or agency required to meet the deliverables that make up an iteration.
- The addition of new requirements after the demonstrations, would entail no additional cost if not impact the project scope, otherwise they shall be negotiated between the parties to determine their viability, in terms of not impacting the project's scope.
- Any changes requested by the Organization shall be duly documented and recorded using a format for conducting "Exchange Controls."
- Changes are not considered part of the corrections by the development team of quality defects of the deliverables submitted at each iteration.
- committee was formed a project that will analyze the requested changes and new applications.
- Changes in priorities from the list of deliverables or requirements do not involve any additional cost in the project while retaining the total count of hours of contract.
- All project documentation will be delivered incrementally and iteratively, ie, the documentation is not released at the end of the project but deliverable Partial.
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