business model generation - Generation Business Model Recently I
opportunity to write about "Business Models" for the newspaper The Entrepreneur first publication on entrepreneurship in our country. Share with the community this vital issue.
The project essentially rests on the generation and development of an innovative idea, an idea that should be put into action and go from intangible to tangible. It is in action where entrepreneurs have the biggest drawbacks. Go to the action involves the establishment of a set of tasks that can encompass many domain areas as customers, supply, process, technology, among others. In this post I will describe the minimum areas that an entrepreneur should consider developing a sustainable and their idea of \u200b\u200bsustainable enterprise.
First, it is important to recognize that we are living in exponential times, times where customer relationships are shifting towards more close and trusted, their examples are technologies like facebook and twitter and how organizations are using these means to innovate.
In this scenario, entrepreneurs must adapt to an environment changing and include in our idea of \u200b\u200bundertaking new strategies for developing and maintaining relationships with our clients, have an appropriate cost structure, among other areas of importance.
Within this context, it is vital and essential that entrepreneurs have a guide or business model that describes the minimum areas that should be considered to develop a business idea and reduce the risks in its execution. Currently there are several approaches to develop business models very well known author, a proposal developed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur has been one of the most accepted. These authors describe a business model as the strategy used by an organization to create, deliver and capture value, and consists of 9 blocks:
- Customer Segments.
- Value Proposition.
- Canales.
- Customer relations.
- Income Stream.
- Resources.
- Activities. Allies
- business.
- Cost Structure.
The first set establishes the different groups of people or organizations that we reach and serve. In the second establishes the value proposition that seeks to resolve customer problems and satisfy their needs. The third establishes the means by which delivers the value proposition, as distribution channels, sales, among others. The fourth described as are established and maintained relationships with customer segments. The fifth component describes the channels used to obtain the necessary revenue stream to ensure the health of the organization. The sixth provides the resources required to provide and deliver the value proposition. The seventh describes the main activities required to develop products and services, the eighth set of business partners needed to deliver the value proposition, and finally the cost structure required to produce goods and services.
Developing a business model can be guided by these 9 blocks, however the generation of ideas is essential to develop an innovative business model. These models can be constructed using techniques, tools and processes.
Some Recommendations:
- Before the execution of his idea of \u200b\u200bentrepreneurship, first developed its business model. Remember
- their business model is not static, we live in exponential times.
- Learn techniques and tools that are available to develop its business model.
- Be creative and innovative, remember that innovation is the path that others have traveled.