Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Silver Trade With Fire Red

La libertad de prensa y de expresión en el mundo y el caso Wikileaks (... y #CensuraChiapas)

Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Protection

and Promotion of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression

Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression

Inter Human Rights

Joint Declaration on Wikileaks

December 21, 2010 - Ante-related events diplomatic communications disclosed by the organization Wikileaks and the subsequent publication of such information in the mass media, the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations (UN) to Freedom of Opinion and Expression and the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) see fit to put into context a number of international legal principles. Rapporteurs call upon States and other relevant actors to take into account the above principles to respond to the events mentioned.

1. The right of access to information held by public authorities is a fundamental human right under a strict regime of exceptions. The right to freedom of expression protects the right of everyone to have free access to public information and know the actions of governments. This is a particularly important right for consolidation, operation and preservation of democratic systems, for which he has received a high degree of attention from the international community. Without the guarantee of this right would be impossible to know the truth, require adequate accountability and comprehensively exercise the rights of political participation. National authorities should take active measures to ensure the principle of maximum transparency, to defeat the culture of secrecy that still prevails in many countries and increase the flow of information subject to disclosure.

2. In any case, the right of access to information should be subject to a limited set of exceptions, to protect pre-eminent public or private interests, as national security or the rights and safety of people. laws governing the secrecy of information should define precisely the concept of national security and clearly specify the criteria to be applied in determining whether information may or may not be declared secret. Exceptions to the right of access to information based on, among other reasons, national security should be applied only where there is a real risk of harm substantially to the protected interest and where that harm is greater than the overall public interest to check this information. Is contrary to international standards consider confidential or classified information concerning violations of human rights.

3. is the sole responsibility of public authorities and officials maintain the confidentiality of information that is legitimately restricted under their control. Other people, including journalists, members of the media and civil society members who have access and disseminate confidential information by considering the public interest should not be subject to penalties for violation of obligation, unless they have committed fraud or other crimes to get it. The applicants ("whistleblowers") who, being government employees, to disclose information about violations of law, serious corruption, the existence of a serious threat to health, safety or the environment or human rights violations or international humanitarian law should be protected against legal, administrative or employment if they act in good faith. Any attempt to impose further sanctions against those who disseminate classified information must be based on previously established laws enforced by independent and impartial body with full guarantees of due process, including the right to appeal the ruling.

4. The unlawful interference or direct or indirect pressure from governments in respect of any expression or information transmitted through any means of oral, written, artistic, visual or electronic means, to influence the contents for political reasons, shall be prohibited by law. This includes unlawful interference with the actions brought against journalists for political reasons and independent media, and the blocking of websites and Internet domains for political reasons. In particular, it is unacceptable that public officials suggest the commission of unlawful acts of retaliation against those who released confidential information.

5. locks or Internet filtering systems not controlled by end users, imposed by a government or commercial service is a form of censorship and can not be justified. Companies that provide Internet services must strive to ensure respect for the rights of their clients to use Internet without arbitrary interference.

6. journalistic self-regulatory mechanisms have contributed significantly to developing best practices on how to approach and communicate complex and sensitive issues. Journalistic responsibility is especially necessary when reporting information from confidential sources that may affect valuable property legally protected as fundamental rights or safety of persons. Codes of ethics for journalists must consider the need to assess the public interest in knowing the information. These codes also useful for new forms of communication and new media, which should voluntarily adopt good ethical practices to ensure, inter alia, that the information published is accurate, fairly presented, and does not cause substantial damage and disproportionate legitimate legal interests protected by law as human rights.

Catalina Botero Marino

Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression

Commission Human Rights

Frank LaRue

Special Rapporteur of the United Nations for the Protection and Promotion of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression

Monday, December 20, 2010

Would A Puppy Die With Fluid On The Lungs

Measuring organizational culture, improve and optimize. Urgently needed.

advice in various organizational activities that I found I could make a generalized situation which is repeated in organizations: "They do not have the ability to measure its operational and business management."

The lack of addressing technological the adoption of process-oriented approach, the failure in identifying services, products, service agreements, are just some factors that affect these organizations can not effectively measure its management. These questions can be used to assess the situation the organization and the changes we push with strategic actions:
  • The organization has established the business and operational indicators to be used to measure and evaluate the performance of its strategic objectives?
  • The organization has policies for organizational learning and continuous improvement? That
  • governance mechanism has the organization for decision making and change management?
  • The organization knows the products, services and SLAs that are developed by all units that form?
  • The organization has a process-oriented approach?
is vital that IT managers to design strategies to provide tools and methodologies to the organization, tools to assess compliance of its strategic objectives. These simple questions can lead to an exercise honest, transparent and real about where we should direct our efforts.

Measure, continuous improvement, performance indicators, abilities, skills, results orientation, are some words to be set up to promote organizational culture focus of managerial excellence.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Where Does Your Cervical Mucus Come From

My proposal to a new approach "process-oriented applications" - BPM in Action

"Information systems have become means for measuring performance and organizational learning."
When we started the design and information systems, generally use use cases or user stories to describe the various human or automated interactions that are required to comply with its requirements functional and nonfunctional. For years, most of these information systems have had a strong functional dependence, which do not incorporate a vision of processes, including HR and ERP systems have no mechanism to add the scale and time in which the activity should be executed, known in the jargon of IT as service agreements (SLA).

Simplifying my arguments, information systems rarely respond to processes, or a transverse view. It is very common to observe that the activities do not include features such as maximum response time or attention on a task, scaling, persistent variables for decision making, use of metrics, among others. Information systems are generally functional islands which promote loss efforts, governance and value.

need to change the way they are conceptualized and designed the information systems today. The development of an information system should start with process modeling using use cases or user stories to describe the interactions in more detail. This approach has major benefits. First consider the processes, mechanisms that are used to achieve compliance organizational goal or objective, ie the application is explicitly connected with a strategic objective and not to a specific need, which usually does not add value to the organization. Secondly, services are incorporated agreements and business rules required to be taken as a specification. Finally, the information system incorporating a vision to decision making and measurement of variables.

On this approach is necessary: \u200b\u200b
  1. Identify decisions can be made based in metric measurement, indicators, critical success factors, among others.
  2. Identify the processes which support the information system. Model
  3. processes. The information system must meet the conditions established in the process. I recommend using the graphical notation BPMN 2.0.
  4. processes should include the establishment of service agreements to measure time and effort required.
  5. processes should include the establishment of business rules.
  6. The information system should include in its implementation model service agreements and business rules.
  7. Identify indicators and outcome management information system to manage. Start
  8. development.

From my perspective it is necessary to change the paradigm, what I call the " Information Systems Development Process Oriented ." I am currently writing about this approach using a methodology, which share with the community soon.


Suzuki Balenorepair Manual

Closing the year, my contributions and contributions in IT for my country: To SOA, ESB and BPM - Interoperability

almost two years, I had the opportunity to occupy a managerial position where I could propose, conceptualize and develop ideas to promote the changes that our country requires (from my point of view!) using cash, fast and efficient information technology.

generally do not perceive that the public attention and ends requiring public institutions require non-traditional IT model and according to changing times and technologies that are created to streamline and continuously improve the generation, capture and delivery of value to society. Technologies are now the foundation for the development of any society, therefore we are obliged to incorporate them into our management and operational models.

Reflecting on the situation in the use of IT in my country, I believe it is necessary that management half of public institutions to adopt and print management models more appropriate to our times, where the disciplines SOA, ESB, BRE, BPM, Virtualization, Cloud, among others are in the vocabulary of our managers. To the extent that this occurs is substantially improved services to citizens, the speed of the paperwork, the institutional and governance of the state to continually improve their management.

Next year represents a new stage for me and ask me which were my personal and professional achievement in 2010?. As this blog is a means to share my diverse professional experiences, which I wanted to include were my contributions, my contributions, with the intention of sharing what has been done with the community and to make a feedback. My contributions

  1. Development proposal for conceptualizing the project datos.gob.ve, Open Government, Open Linked Data around the bill Interoperability of the Venezuelan state. October, 2010.
  2. Development of the first proposal for technical interoperability framework for the Venezuelan state. October, 2010. Elaboration
  3. the conceptualization of a governance framework to insert the disciplines SOA, ESB and BPM in public institutions of the state. This framework includes general concepts, the adoption process, reference architecture, roles and responsibilities within processes, principles, policies, standards, procedures, operating practices and general safety practices. April, 2010. Conceptualization
  4. architecture framework only portal of the Venezuelan state of paperwork using SOA disciplines and ESB.Abril-2010.
  5. Development proposal to insert Scrum and agile practices Kanban models in software contracts in institutions publicas.Abril-2010.
  6. Developing a preliminary methodology for analysis of processes in public institutions, which I think strengthening and sharing in 2011.
  7. Development of a Map of Architecture in free software solutions for SOA / ESB and BPM.
  8. August-2010 Development of a methodology for the diagnosis of the practical application of IT in public institutions by reference to ITIL and COBIT. 2010
  9. tecnoguias Conceptualization for developing SOA / ESB / BPM. 2010. Impulse
  10. Interoperability Framework of the Venezuelan state by applying and integration of SOA and ESB disciplines.
I hope to have the opportunity to talk and share experiences in these matters, since they were developed in a spirit of collaboration, participation and transparency.