I had the opportunity to assist organizations that are aimed at the integration of BPM disciplines and in the process, I identified a set of assumptions that are necessary to reduce the risks of adoption.
2 post I'm currently developing with the community to share my experience in organizational projects. I agree with the first recommendations to the community. BPM For further reference please visit the following link: http://mijao.blogspot.com/2009/12/bpm-y-sus-beneficios-dentro-del-estado.html
2 post I'm currently developing with the community to share my experience in organizational projects. I agree with the first recommendations to the community. BPM For further reference please visit the following link: http://mijao.blogspot.com/2009/12/bpm-y-sus-beneficios-dentro-del-estado.html
- It is important to understand the true essence of BPM. BPM provides the organization the capacity to measure, improve and optimize each of the measures to be developed to meet their strategic objectives. BPM promotes the development of a policy of control over an organization's strategic objectives, balancing their processes, technology and human talent. Processes represent the nervous system that requires an organization to orchestrate its various resources.
- The organization must implement a methodological framework to identify indicators of performance and result in various domain areas that support its business model. In essence, the organization must know to be measured continuously to assess their performance. Without this input, the exercise of decision making is poor and inconsistent. The processes must respond to these organizational indicators.
- is desirable that each of the units within the organization to identify their products and services. These products and services must be related to a transverse process and a set of indicators.
- is important to understand that the main input to address a BPM project is the initial establishment of a governance framework. Governance is the process of making sound decisions and appropriate to align and direct the efforts to implement a project BPM. Generally, a governance framework consists of 9 domains: Strategy and Governance Objectives, Principles and Policy, Organization and Actors, Processes, Roles and Responsibilities, and Reinforcement Behavior, and Performance Metrics, Technology, Performance Management and Financial Governance and Budget.
- Before starting a pilot project BPM make an assessment of the general conditions of these processes: documentation, layout, tools, standards and procedures, among others.
- is desirable that the organization formalized graphical notation used for modeling process. In essence it is advisable to adopt BPMN (you can learn more about the subject.) Importantly, the practice of process modeling techniques and patterns required.
- organizations generally have a process description with a level of granularity inappropriate to allow this to measure and improve performance. Identify specific activities, service agreements, key areas of processes, products, services and performance indicators and results, business rules, among others.
- During the development of a pilot set two categories of processes: processes that may prevent the organization achieves its strategic objectives, and processes utilizing existing capacity can increase their operational and compliance goals.
- is desirable to start in the first instance the implementation of a strategic plan addressing technology and the development of an architectural framework that describes the strategic actions for improvement that affect the management of Information Technology and operational agility in organization. Styles can be incorporated SOA, ESB, BRE, CEP, MOM, among others. These styles of architecture simplify the development of a BPM project.
- Encourage the creation of a policy for the registration gap in the organization as a mechanism for continuous organizational learning.