Saturday, April 30, 2011

I Want To Give My Cousin A Wedige

Recommendations to address a BPM project - I

I had the opportunity to assist organizations that are aimed at the integration of BPM disciplines and in the process, I identified a set of assumptions that are necessary to reduce the risks of adoption.

2 post I'm currently developing with the community to share my experience in organizational projects. I agree with the first recommendations to the community. BPM For further reference please visit the following link:

  • It is important to understand the true essence of BPM. BPM provides the organization the capacity to measure, improve and optimize each of the measures to be developed to meet their strategic objectives. BPM promotes the development of a policy of control over an organization's strategic objectives, balancing their processes, technology and human talent. Processes represent the nervous system that requires an organization to orchestrate its various resources.
  • The organization must implement a methodological framework to identify indicators of performance and result in various domain areas that support its business model. In essence, the organization must know to be measured continuously to assess their performance. Without this input, the exercise of decision making is poor and inconsistent. The processes must respond to these organizational indicators.
  • is desirable that each of the units within the organization to identify their products and services. These products and services must be related to a transverse process and a set of indicators.
  • is important to understand that the main input to address a BPM project is the initial establishment of a governance framework. Governance is the process of making sound decisions and appropriate to align and direct the efforts to implement a project BPM. Generally, a governance framework consists of 9 domains: Strategy and Governance Objectives, Principles and Policy, Organization and Actors, Processes, Roles and Responsibilities, and Reinforcement Behavior, and Performance Metrics, Technology, Performance Management and Financial Governance and Budget.
  • Before starting a pilot project BPM make an assessment of the general conditions of these processes: documentation, layout, tools, standards and procedures, among others.
  • is desirable that the organization formalized graphical notation used for modeling process. In essence it is advisable to adopt BPMN (you can learn more about the subject.) Importantly, the practice of process modeling techniques and patterns required.
  • organizations generally have a process description with a level of granularity inappropriate to allow this to measure and improve performance. Identify specific activities, service agreements, key areas of processes, products, services and performance indicators and results, business rules, among others.
  • During the development of a pilot set two categories of processes: processes that may prevent the organization achieves its strategic objectives, and processes utilizing existing capacity can increase their operational and compliance goals.
  • is desirable to start in the first instance the implementation of a strategic plan addressing technology and the development of an architectural framework that describes the strategic actions for improvement that affect the management of Information Technology and operational agility in organization. Styles can be incorporated SOA, ESB, BRE, CEP, MOM, among others. These styles of architecture simplify the development of a BPM project.
  • Encourage the creation of a policy for the registration gap in the organization as a mechanism for continuous organizational learning.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Protien Shake No Carbs

Tribute Mural Inauguration

The Mural Workshop works at the Cultural Center The Conventillo. Its creation arose from an activity designed in conjunction with the area "Art and Society" CIDAC (Center for Innovation and Development Community Activity), an organization of university extension of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the UBA. The idea was to form a space for artistic creation and reflection about the mural facing the district.

The workshop began to settle in October 2010 under certain discussions: what it means to make a mural, which is the historical development of the mural in Argentina, which occupies space in the history of art, what is the real sense which appears today in our national identity. In other words, the heart of our inquiry was the need felt by multiplying the cultural tools in the territory and carry out the capacity to transform structures from art.

Since the beginning, they considered the possibility of doing a mural in Barracks Kirchner as an expression referred to the current national and popular movement is visible where the resurgence of the value of politics and youth activism. Unfortunately, six months ago, on November 27, 2010, died Nestor Kirchner. But, beyond the immense pain, mobilization, and the desire to do not leave us no choice but to give a new meaning all currently thought.

From this single event that affected all the people of country, began working for months on designing the mural, already planning a tribute to her figure. The challenge was enormous: the mural was to be held in a wall of 15 meters by 4 meters. Each contributed from their knowledge that could: some starting from the technical, others from a plastic forming, and others from the political conception of the work.

When we think about the date of the mural, the project was extended to all colleagues who were involved Conventillo lecturing fellowship. Thanks to them also made possible the completion of the mural, helping with the removal of scaffolding and materials those who dared to paint, priming mate prudent, with photos and film recording, broadcasting, going to radio, talking to people. Simply put, all these activities were important elements that make a common project and a shared dream.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How To Get The Silver Wing On Shiny Gold

Filmus Nestor Kirchner in the Moon: "We must achieve an integrated city in a country more just and free from the hand of Cristina"

Senator and former Minister launched his candidacy pre Head of Government as part of a rally. El Movimiento Evita was one of the most powerful forces to call in a Luna Park full.

As in 2007, Daniel Filmus launched his candidacy for head of government in a Luna Park filled from end to end for thousands of comrades. At that time was the towering presence of Nestor Kirchner, this time, so close to serve six months of his death, he was also a central figure along with the senator, not only for the video before the speech, recalling the great achievements of his government and Cristina, also by the color and passion that militancy added to the act, bringing to reality the slogan "Nestor lives in us."

Avoid Capital Movement mobilized nearly 4000 colleagues, adding the columns to those of SUTERH and UPCN, and groups such as Trend, October, ComunArte, nigger, UPEA (Union Productive self-managed).

Scenario was formed with a head table which included the presence of Evita Movement Eduardo Binstock, Gabriel Fuks, legislators Francisco "Tito" Nenna and Gabriela Alegre, Andrés Rodríguez, Víctor Santamaría, Brawer Mara, Eduardo Jozami, among others.

Behind them were located regarding other social and union of the Capital, including Sebastian sat Demiryi and Juan Pablo Cusa Prevents Movement of Capital, Vice-President María Rachid INADI ComunArte Raul Sanchez, Carlos Pisoni. Before the speech

candidate pre Kirchner played several artists involved with the direction of the national government, thereby supporting possibility that the former Minister of Education Kirchner is the candidate of the PVF Capital. Horacio Fontova were present, Víctor Heredia and Los Super Ratones, among others.

With excitement to the surface of the stadium rose Daniel Filmus to give his speech. Shortly before had projected a video of the great achievements of the past 8 years Kirchner government and a strong reference to the conduct of Nestor. Filmus

pledged by 10 basis points to reform the capital that are being their campaign proposals. He began by saying that "we are committed to, not in 4 years, if not 6 or 8 years to complete with the slums in the city, which not only demeaning to those who live there, so are all the residents of Buenos Aires. "

After the exposure of its proposal for government and criticism of Pino Solanas and Mauricio Macri, opponents thought they could defeat the National Movement and today, chances are not even in the context of the Federal Capital. Filmus

ended saying that "we will win the City in July, first and, if necessary, in the second round, we will touch tones from house to house to explain that the victory of July is the threshold of victory of Cristina in October. We will recover the City for the National Government. We must leave to the military. We will win mates. "

Monday, April 25, 2011

Nortenos And Crips Get Along


On Tuesday April 26 at 18 pm all at Estadio Luna Park with Daniel Filmus.


Movimiento Evita

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Graphics Of Locust In Revelation


On Monday April 11, Daniel Filmus coordinated a panel discussion whose central theme was the link between the University and various levels of government. The table also included Jorge Aliaga, dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, UBA, Hector Trinchero, Dean of Arts University of Buenos Aires, Eduardo Cajide, dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, UBA; the Secretary General of the Association of non-teaching staff of the City of Buenos Aires (APUBA), and student leaders from various groups such as the University Movement MUNAP and Evita.

Cookie Burn On Bottom Not Done

evicted residents of Mexico 1220: The struggle continues ...

Press on Thursday April 21

Cultural Center and Production Workshop - Movimiento Evita Comuna1

Neighbours evicted from Mexico 1220: The struggle continues ...

From Monday 11 April, the struggle of the residents of Calle Mexico on Tuesday 19 should be the payment of the subsidy provided by the judge. Families, as had been agreed with the judge, began to break camp, dismantling tents and organizing their belongings. However, the delivery of the checks were delayed enough so that the latter families can not reach the banking hours on that day. The city government claimed that at that very moment families leave the streets, and even offered to open a bank exclusively for residents to cash the check. As always, the only thing that interested him was to hide the problem and delete it from the agenda without the slightest intention to collaborate in finding a quick solution but reasonable.

claim that more than 20 families to find their own accommodation after 19 hours is only possible in the infamous mind of officials PRO. Besides playing with people for a good amount of time announcing that they had managed hotels and then retracts, the only offer he got was about 20 hours: families should be divided into three hotels, they would charge at $ 25 per person per night. Given that on average there are 5 people per family (some reach 10 members), the cost per day would be $ 125 per family, so that with the grant of $ 700 per month will be enough to ... 5 ½ days per month ! The only intention of macrista officials was that people leave the streets at that time and then ... as they could have fixed. He even asked a list of hotels with prices and availability for the neighbors could choose something more reasonable, but the response was that the Ministry of Social Development did not make "census hotels."

obviously for the authorities in Buenos Aires, the continuing problem of homelessness and evictions is not important enough to devote a minimum of effort to know the family hotel market and to act efficiently to emergency situations.

Nothing was further from the intentions of the residents to bear another night in the street, but at the time it was and the lack of a minimally reasonable option, at a meeting decided to stay that night, even when rains were announced in street. The judge understood the situation and provided the necessary guarantees.

Moreover, many of the media manipulate addressed information. After five days of camp, the conflict of Mexico evacuated from the street was being increasingly reflected by the media. The output of a notice in Clarín (which, full of falsehoods, reproduced macrismo version), the same Monday, April 18 led to the arrival of a barrage of media and graphics to the site. Some media reflected the situation objectively, and allowing the residents to have their problem and why the decision to stay on the street. However, most major media monopoly-linked to the group or its satellites, as Clarín, C5N, TN, Radio 10, and others - are dedicated to defaming the claim, saying that the neighbors were not going because they wanted more money, and repeat ad nauseam prejudices always weigh on the poor and social protest.

The media tried to present the struggle of the neighbors as an armed conflict with pointers to wear Kirchner's government Macri. Movement should be noted that Evita has been working with the residents of Mexico 1220 for two years, with activities ranging from cultural workshops and tutoring for children up to the organization of labor unions. In this context, also came to work with neighbors on legal advice against previous attempts at eviction. Before the evacuation on Monday 11, all partners in the Comuna 1 understood that our obligation was to be next to the evicted residents, supporting them in whatever is necessary. Similarly, other social and cultural as well as many residents of Montserrat, in solidarity with this struggle.

Wednesday 20 morning, the families claimed the check and set up camp on Mexico Street. A cooperative and cultural organization of the neighborhood, CEFOMAR, jointly gave them a space for a few days so that displaced residents can rest under a roof after ten grueling days in the open and can look a little quiet and without their belongings on their backs a temporary accommodation to enable them to stay together, strengthen the organization and conduct cooperative housing, which already has a name: "STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE 1220." Ten Days

bearing the popular struggle leaves (or repeats) number of lessons. Just causes of workers, the poor and marginalized groups, to the public invisibility and lack of lobbying the powers that have economic, organizational need and the courage of those fighting and once this is achieved, victory is at hand. On the other hand, once again saw the media monopoly, spokesmen direct interest concentrates more stale and our country, bastardize and criminalize social protest, making the game a short-term ally in this case the macrismo-and not caring the plight and needs of the people, nor, of course really. But the key lesson is that the struggle for decent housing for these families is not over but just beginning, and although there was an important first step, that this right is made effective reality will only be possible with more organization, more presence the streets and more solidarity from those who believe it is essential to build a more equitable society with equal opportunities.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mucua Prior To Period

Mexico 1220: The residents continue to fight organized for their right to decent housing Presentacioón

Press Release City of Buenos Aires, Monday, April 18
Cultural Center and Production Workshop - Movimiento Evita
Mexico 1220: organized neighbors continue to fight for their right to decent housing
Monday 11 to nine in the morning until Tuesday 19, 1220 Mexico's neighbors to resist the weather. A total of 23 families totaling 105 people and half of them kids, several of them with heart and respiratory problems, and three pregnant women in 6 months. All families have been camping since the first day on the street and has not joined any person not resident in the house of Mexico 1220.

In conditions of extreme vulnerability, have organized to handle this situation better and sustain good relations with other neighbors of Montserrat. They argued their position before the inclement weather and on the street because they realized they had to fight for their rights, so they got the strength.

The claim is for a worthy and permanent housing solution. The first proposal of GCBA was to give $ 400, divide the family by sending them to various hostels and their belongings to deposits. Given this offer residents decided to fight. Elected by an assembly, which would remain in place the eviction until you get a dignified solution.

On Wednesday 13, Judge Garcia, chosen by lot to take the case "Maria Isabel Moreira and others against the GCBA and others, ordered a precautionary measure so that the next day GCBA a detailed report on the status and actions. Government officials in the city were presented after the time limit set by the judge, saying he did not have the information requested and needed an extension to respond to four days of camping neighbors on the street.

In this situation, the judge ordered the GCBA to urgently provide basic elements to ensure the survival of families. The third day of camp the Ministry of National Development, through the management of the Movement Evita, provided the residents of chemical toilets, food, blankets and tents. Still waiting for the actions of macrismo, which came just half square blankets, ignoring the court order and violating numerous constitutional rights of children and adults.

Neighbors are organized for the purpose of obtaining a housing solution, no "silver", and had set themselves emphasize outright lying media monopolies (see Annex I).

This organization is not managed by the emergency the eviction is the result of a job long held by the membership. In this group of people there is a real and deep commitment is evident in its participation in various activities. This compromise allowed the court to hold Nueve de Julio Avenue throughout the week (except on Saturday, the day that she went to a whole Avoid Capital Movement), a march to the Ministry of Town on Tuesday 12 and a festival Solidarity Sunday. All these demonstrations were crowded with the support of neighborhood residents, organizations that were aware of the situation and, mainly, by the initiative of the protagonists. Because

all this, we were able to get a hearing with the judge Gallardo, who made two determinations. On the one hand, ruled giving families a subsidy of $ 700 for ten months to complete immediately with the homeless. On the other hand, forced the (Institute of Town Housing (IVC), the Corporation of the South and the GCBA to the May 2 to meet with the families formed a cooperative to give a definitive solution to housing problems. To achieve this goal will be granted a mortgage and manage the acquisition of land and construction of housing by the hand of the neighbors.

This conflict reveals the strength of the organization of workers and the courage to fight for a worthy cause. In the same way that reveals the ease with which the economic power groups criminalize social protest while they trample the rights of workers.

Can Hydrocolonics Lose Weight

Bank Employees Association of Nestor Kirchner was in Whole

invite at the launch of the Association of Bank Employees Nestor Kirchner, to be held April 20 at 18 pm at the Centro Cultural Paco Urondo (May 25 and Pte Perón).

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Should Men Wear Spandex

Filmus Evita

Almost four militants of Evita in Buenos Aires City shared with the candidate to Head of Government, Daniel Filmus, a plenary session of the Faculty of Arts of the UBA, facing the great act of April 26 at Luna Park.

militancy was present in 15 communes and the different fronts and areas (youth, college, secondary, trade unions, women, professionals, health, housing, communication, education) Prevents Movement of the City of Buenos Aires .

At 14 h was started at 16.30 and commissions were shared the findings of each of them, after some words of fellow Demiryi Sebastian and Juan Pablo Cusa.

Then, and now with the presence of Comrade Daniel Filmus, U.S. Senator and Kirchner's candidate to head of government, the dean of the faculty, Héctor Hugo Trinchero, spoke to the audience. "This is an encouragement to continue the work in the Faculty of Arts," he said, and waved at Daniel Filmus, "whose campaign support every day so that we have a city listed in the column in the National Cristina."
closed the meeting with the leader of the Movimiento Evita Buenos Aires, Edgardo Binstock. The candidate to head of Government said in his speech that "this movement that arises from the most humble, young people, is a pride that is supporting our bid." He also referred to opposition candidates to the National Project: "Now that we are lining up, taking tickets and racing to see who gets off first in the race for the presidency because nobody can beat Cristina, tell him to come here Macri to compete again because we're going to win, "said the senator. "We may ask for a vote of the least because he did nothing for them but we also have the right to ask for the vote to all the locals because he did nothing by the City," said Filmus. Applause and chants, concluded his speech by saying "we will celebrate in July and will be the foreshadowing of the victory of October with Cristina."

Also present were Members of the City Francisco "Tito" Nenna, Gabriela Alegre, the proprietor of White Helmets Gabriel Fuks, Humberto Sabattini, Eduardo Jozami, Chivo Porta, Lucio Montenegro, Juan Manuel Vázquez Blanco (Cause Professional) Luis Ostrej, Lucas Fernández (Militant Collective), Andrew Lombardi (Movement October), and fellow group nigger, among others.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Landline Cell Phone Converter

Movement Festival and mobilization of 21 families living situation

Mexico 1220: More than 100 people are still sleeping in the street and the city government still does not appear

During the early hours of Monday were evacuated over 100 people who occupied an old building in Mexico, and Salta. Since then, the evicted residents have settled in a camp opposite the site of eviction and the street is cut. More than 50 kids (many with heart and respiratory problems) and a similar number of adults (including three pregnant girls) live in extreme weather.

The city government offered a meager monthly allowance of $ 700 for ten months for families to rent a house or go to the hostels. With $ 700 is impossible avail. The poor are condemned to hotels or boarding houses, where you pay a lot for a small part that, in general, no minimum guarantees of habitability. But Macri, for whom the poor do not fall into the category of "neighbors" do not mind this reality. Macri has no interest in addressing this problem that arises in the city.

is true that much of the housing problem is structural, but it is inexplicable that the size of the drama, now sub-run the budget for housing. Moreover, in this context, Macri was discharged some of the squatter settlement housing programs than previous administrations had driven. They refused to negotiate and the absolute neglect of the City government, residents evacuated, they need to be heard, have gone to various public agencies and demonstrated in the July 9 every evening from the evictions.

On Wednesday, 13 to 15 hours was filed an appeal at the Court No. 2 of Dr. Gallardo ("Maria Isabel Moreira and others against the GCBA and others"), asking it to take a precautionary measure immediately to compel the city government to relocate the families in a place according to basic needs. After the presentation, residents met with the Assistant Secretary of Court to explain the situation and request an order of protection, a fact which was taken immediately by the staff judge Gallardo. On the same day at 17 hours, the judge ruled a precautionary measure requiring that the next day GCBA report indicating what has been done to resolve the immediate emergency of the neighbors (delivery of food, blankets, sanitation, medical care , etc.). Macri's government presented on Thursday outside the scheduled time limit, saying it could not yet report on what was required. It goes without saying that no official Buenos Aires came to know the status of the residents or sending any help. Yes trucks appeared of the "BAP" - Buenos Aires Present - the city government, with social workers who never came to see what residents needed and seem to exercise more control and police assistance.

In this situation, the judge immediately ordered the GCBA provide chemical baths, blankets and food to displaced residents. The portable toilets arrived with blankets, sent by the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation. In addition, the judge convened a hearing to be held on Monday 18 at 11.30 in his court, where part of families who signed the shelter, Eugenia Vidal (Minister of Social Development GCBA), the assessor Monner guardian and Ricardo Sanz, GCBA attorney.

While Justice has addressed some of the complaints from neighbors, his times and targets are not those of the 100 people who, today, 5 days ago and living on the street (and at the time of the hearing will be almost 8), under the sun and rain, heat or cold. Macri's government is still committed to wear. The neighbors, they have no more than stand and fight.

- The evicted residents need the support and solidarity of all organizations and individuals who believe that an City dignified, humane and just possible.
- Come to camp in Mexico and Salta and join us in the activities.
- All you can bring is very useful: diapers, bottled water, perishable and nonperishable food, nylon (to cover the belongings of the residents in case of rain), shelter, personal hygiene items and cleaning products, toys and books for kids etc.






Adhere: Movimiento Evita - Justice and Peace Commission - Parish Constitution - Power Neighborhood - People in Struggle Movement - Latin America, Strength and Dignity - Forum Housing for

Contact Mov. Evita Commune 1:
Juan Montes de Oca 3887 15 5880 José María Pérez
15 3150 0237

media Notes:

Page 12 (11/04/1912)

Z (12/04/1911)
Urondo Agency (04/12/1911)

Radio Chart (11/04/1912)

El Argentino (14/04/1911)

The Reason (04/11/1914)

Federal Agency News DERF (11/04/1914)

El Argentino (11/04/1915)

Radio Chart (15/04/1911)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How Much Penicillin G Can I Give My Dog

Thursday 14: mobilized for housing

During the early hours of Monday 11 were evicted by court order more than 100 people, Most kids, they occupied an old building in Mexico to 1200, in the city center. After the eviction, the city government proposal was to receive a meager allowance of $ 700 for three months. In this situation, the displaced families chose to camp on the street waiting to negotiate "seriously" a principle of solution point to medium term.

The resistance of the evicted residents needs the support and collaboration of all those who believe that a just and humane city possible.

now mobilizing THURSDAY 14 / 4 A 9 DE JULIO AVENUE

CAMPING IN MEXICO AND JUMPS. COME. All you can bring is very useful: diapers, blankets, bottled water, perishable and nonperishable food, nylon (for cover the belongings of the residents in case of rain), personal hygiene items and cleaning supplies, etc..

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Personalized Chapstick Favors Template

Whole Avoid Capital Movement with Daniel Filmus

Prevents Movement City held a plenary session on 16 April at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature (480 Puan), in which closed at 16.00 pm, will present the mate Daniel Filmus, Kirchner candidate for head of government. This preparatory meeting was presented as the great act to be held April 26 at Estadio Luna Park, organized by the political space that had been endorsed by Filmus.

The whole proposal is to discuss national policy and district among peers from different communities and Avoid Moving Fronts of the City. The committees will be organized by commune, as well as Youth (territorial, university and secondary), Labour and Social Economy (Association and recovered factories), Gender and Diversity Professionals (health, housing, education, economy, communication, graduate).

At 12 pm will start the meeting.

Smithfield Bbq Sandwich Nutrition

Solidarity with Mexico's neighbors

Since beginning his term of government, Mauricio Macri and PRO have been characterized by systematic violation of the right of access to adequate housing as enshrined in the Constitution CABA, to the poorest sectors of our city.

From the lack of implementation of the budget on housing, to an absence of state policy in respect of rents (which arbitrarily increase year after year) and has changed the social landscape of the city forcing the growth of population that lives in the slums of the city, bringing new settlements, occupation of unused housing thereby increasing the judgments and sentences of evictions.

The tragic events of the American Indian with its resulting in three deaths (where the perpetrators and masterminds have not yet been identified or convicted) are the predictable result of the implementation of these policies that push to the despair of thousands of residents of our city.

On April 11 the eviction was legal and compulsive (one more) of 16 families of workers who occupied the house for nine years on the streets Mexico 1220. Were in the street with their children (a total of 50 children and babies) without the government of the CABA will render all assistance to the laws and regulations of the BAC oblige. Only the cosmetics offer a subsidy of 700 pesos per family for three months (not covered by the minimum cost of a hotel in Constitution shameful that at least charge $ 1400 by a piece without allowing the families to enter with their children) and poor shelter for homeless people in the shameful "inns" of city government.

This time, neighbors said enough and they were camping with their belongings on the street with their bedding, clothing bags, mattresses, school supplies for children and the few belongings they have. Reported that there were no guarantees the presence of SAME and the General Counsel Foster (AGT). It is idle to describe the aberrant conditions of life which has taken this situation.

call on neighbors and colleagues, to different social and neighborhood organizations that defend the right to live in dignity in the CABA, to mobilize and severally accompany this claim and support the resistance of families in Mexico 1220. Need medical, economic, health and food and are convinced that the joint concurrence given moral and psychological shelter. Support is also manifest the political will of those who believe that this version of neoliberalism pathetic and despicable Macri embodied in our beloved city (the richest of Argentina) should end with the upcoming election of the new head of government for policies National Project and People that are deployed the rest of Argentina reach all residents of the CABA.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Certified Copy Of Power Of Attorney

1220 Mobilization for the right to live in the City

City of Buenos Aires, April 12, 2011

For the right to live in the City

More than 60 families displaced or affected by eviction orders, the neighborhoods Montserrat Boedo Barracks and will be mobilized at 10 am on the day the Ministry of Social Development of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, located in Mexico 1661. These families were in the street yesterday after the eviction in a house inhabited for over nine years in Mexico 1220, without receiving any response from the Government City to resolve your claim housing.

Movimiento Evita - Justice and Peace Commission - Parish Constitution - Power Neighborhood - People in Struggle Movement - Latin America, Strength and Dignity - Forum Housing for

concentrate at 10 hours in 1220 to mobilize Mexico City Social Development - Mexico 1661 (CABA)

Related Press Releases:

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Xbox 360 Red Ring 4th Player

La poesía ya no existe más en mi: Sicilia

The world is not a word world

We choked in

As I choked,

As I

lungs ripped you

And the pain away I was not the world I have only

By silence of the righteous

only by your silence and my silence Juanelo.

The world is not worthy of the word, is my last poem, I can not write more poetry ... poetry no longer exists in me.

Javier Sicilia, April 2011