There are currently several initiatives regarding the need and right of citizens to access and use data generated by public institutions or belonging to a government agency. In this regard, in recent months there have been initiatives to promote the release of government data, as the case of in the UK, U.S. and recently Irekia initiative of the Basque Government.
These projects are supported in the community project called the Open Linked Data ( ) that has developed a network of interlinked data that provides access to over two billion distributed data providers as DBpedia, Geonames, MusicBrainz, WordNet, the DBLP bibliography, among others.
This movement has among its objectives, promote transparency, participation and collaboration as principles of Open Government, development and publication of data catalogs, unification, standardization and data representation, and finally the development of a rich ecosystem and logical resources listed by merging documents, data and services. There are currently
these initiatives (United Kingdom, the Basque Government, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Greece) to promote the development and publication of public information services interoperable, among the most important
- http://www . /
This distribution pattern of related data can be applied as a technological basis for e-government and even in platform integration and interoperability ( SOA ESB, BRE) in public or private organizations. I recommend reading and the inclusion of concepts in the integration and interoperability projects they wish to undertake in their organizations. Technologies such as RDF, Clouds, SPARQL , Web Services, will become the basis of the model for interoperability of information systems in the states.
Annex a good picture that includes concepts of Open Data.