Saturday, July 24, 2010

How To Do Your Hair For Snowboarding

Organismos nacionales se solidarizan con corresponsales de Proceso y La Jornada en Chiapas

weekly Proceso correspondent

Mexico, July 23, 2010 (CEPET). Isaín Mandujano and Angeles Mariscal, Chiapas correspondent of the weekly Proceso and the newspaper La Jornada, respectively, reported a smear campaign launched against him to discredit his work, which means active dependent on the government of that state in southeastern Mexico.

CEPET In conversation with the journalists attributed the attacks to the trouble between officials of the government of Juan Sabines Guerrero, media coverage has given both organizations' activities, groups of protesters and critical decisions state authority.

Through unsigned notes, published in some media, both Mandy and Marshall are accused of participating in a strategy of destabilization to generate an image of repression by the state government against social movements, while their faces are shown and are accused of manipulating the information.

were also circulated emails sent from an address called the reporter for La Jornada, which promises to "support" in exchange for support for the demonstrations of protest, and whose authorship was denied by the very Mariscal .

The charges against the two reporters have also been disseminated through the system Chiapas Radio and TV, particularly through the Free Word program, led by Miguel Gonzalez Alonso, in which "Says Mandy has been devoted to a full hour to insult personally.

correspondent pointed out that process and requested a meeting with Governor Juan Sabines to try to stop attacks from his administration, and with the assistance of the researcher at the Institute for Legal Research of UNAM and specialist in law access to information, Ernesto Villanueva, interpose a complaint with the Human Rights Commission of Chiapas by the use of a station in the state to attack journalists.

Both journalists are planning to also file a complaint for slander against and by the use of the name of Marshal Angeles post trying to discredit his work as reporting. Also seek the support of Crimes Against Journalists Program of the National Commission of Human Rights, in order that the necessary precautionary measures to prevent any attack motivated by the accusations against him.

addition to support from several organizations, the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City, through its Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression and Care Defenders of Human Rights, expressed its repudiation of the smear campaign against the report, which endorsed moral character, and considered that "events such as these contribute to inhibit the exercise of journalism, freedom of expression and the right to information, as well as to increase the risk for people who practice journalism in the state of Chiapas and throughout the country."


DG Communication for Human Rights

Mexico City, July 23, 2010.

Press Release 202/2010


Human Rights Commission of the Federal District (CDHDF), through its Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression and Care for Defenders of Human Rights, joins the voices of citizens who reject the smear campaign unleashed against journalists Isaín Mandujano and Angeles Mariscal, correspondents journal process and the daily La Jornada in the state of Chiapas.

The victims have given voice to different political and social actors of the entity, which has created conflicts and acts of discrimination by the State Government and other local elites. In this sense, the CDHDF shares and promotes the position of the Foundation for Free Expression (FUNDALEX) in the sense that "Freedom of expression requires the obligation of the authorities and society's commitment to promote diversity of ideas and opinions to develop understanding and plurality of voices in public debate. " Notably

told reporters at CDHDF that in recent days, various social organizations in Chiapas who have differing views and criteria with local authorities, have expressed criticism, judgments and considerations that may annoy or inconvenience to some civil servants of the state government.

coverage Mandujano and have given this information led Marshall to a smear campaign against him and even to display their photos on websites and social networks, which aims to relate interests and political groups. Similarly

CDHDF told that there is evidence suggest that offenders have committed cyber crimes has been circulated as Internet e-mail purportedly sent from personal email address Angeles Mariscal, a fact that the journalist denies. Added to this is that reporters have been defamatory and slanderous through various means, including those belonging to the state government, such as Chiapas Radio System.

Against this backdrop of intimidation and harassment, Human Rights Commission Federal District believes it is incumbent upon the authorities not exercise any direct or indirect measure to limit the right to know of the governed and the right to freedom of expression of people in general, and journalists in particular.

Facts like these contribute to inhibit the exercise of journalism, freedom of expression and the right to information, as well as to increase the risk for people who practice journalism in the state of Chiapas and throughout the country.

therefore urges federal authorities to accelerate the design development and implementation of protection mechanisms to protect the life, integrity and security of journalists around the country and thereby fulfill the commitment that the State Mexico has the freedom of expression for all people.



Mexico City, July 23, 2010

The public
Al C. Mr. Juan Sabines Guerrero
Governor of Chiapas

The Foundation for Freedom of Expression is concerned about the possible attack on freedom of expression to the detriment of journalists Isaín Mandujano and Angeles Mariscal, correspondent of the weekly Proceso and daily La Jornada in Chiapas.

occasion of his practice, Mandy and Marshall have covered different voices in Chiapas. The FUNDALEX recalled that his Principle III of the Commitments to Freedom of Expression states: "Freedom of expression requires the authorities' obligation and commitment to society: 1. Promote diversity of ideas and opinions to develop understanding and plurality of voices in public debate. "

These days, various social organizations in Chiapas who have differing views and criteria with local authorities, have expressed criticism, judgments and considerations that may annoy or inconvenience to some public servants of state government. Mandujano and Marshal have covered this information to which the company is stronger evidence in public debates. The FUNDALEX believes it is incumbent upon the authorities not exercise any direct or indirect measure to limit the right to know of the governed.

Mandujano and Mariscal reporters have been defamatory and slanderous through various means, including those belonging to the State Government, such as Chiapas Radio System. These facts contribute to inhibit the exercise of journalism, freedom of expression and the right to information.

The FUNDALEX recalls that, as established in its first XIII of Commitment to Freedom of expression is severely condemned any attack on freedom of expression of its practitioners in the media, the media themselves, as threats, injury, kidnapping or murder and the destruction of facilities, decimate the independent journalism, freedom of expression and free flow of information to the public. Society and its states are under obligation to take effective measures to prevent any such attacks and, if they occurred, investigate and punish the perpetrators and ensure that victims have access to effective remedies and reparation. "

request the intervention of the governor Sabines to turn to the appropriate instructions, in order to avoid the use of public resources that could limit freedom of expression. We hope for an immediate intervention C. Governor that these cases are investigated and punished according to law.

Directors Foundation for Freedom of Expression